
Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Good Day for Poetry

Today felt like a good day for poetry......

   God's Might by Hagen

When the snowflakes fall at night
It reminds me of God's might.

When the trees sway and the wind blows
The Lord's love always glows.

I know that God is watching me
Even when the waters freeze.

When the flowers are curled up in their beds
Jesus also gives me rest.

I see God's love each way I turn
From His Word I learn

Even when all is still
He protects me from the icy chill.

The snow is glistening
to God's Word I'm still listening.

Yes, when the snowflakes fall at night
It so much reminds me of His might.


      Winters First Snow by Layla

Our little cabin
in the woods.
The stove keeps us warm
the way it should.

Look at the sky
the snow's a comin!
From the looks of it,
it'll be a big'un!

As the wind picks up
the men keep chopping.
Out come the winter blankets
as the stew is cooking.

The icy wind
chills our bones.
The snow flies at us
and falls in droves.

Bundled soldiers armed
with salt, ice picks and shovels.
When the snow comes
our work is doubled!

The first snow
brings lots of excitement.
The children bundle up
and outside in it.

Snow men, snow forts
and snowball fights.
The cold dosen't bother us,
we play with all our might!

When mamma calls
it's time to come in.
The hot chocolate is ready,
let the undressing begin!

Little hands, little feet,
icy face and nose.
The drinks warm our bellies
as we gather round the stove.

We talk about the fun we had,
about the wonderful snow.
We think of how it cleanses
and makes everything glow.

At night, when we're in bed
and in our night clothes,
We thank the Lord for blessing us
and washing us white as snow!

God is Good!- Layla

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