
Monday, March 19, 2012

Wonderful Blessings

Hello Everyone! Sorry we haven't made a post in forever. With Spring here, we have been so busy! It feels nice to get outside and work in the warm sunshine again! I love how God does that. To me, Winter is a time of thinking, reflecting and learning how we can do things better for Him and Spring is the time for acting and working out the things we have learned! What a Blessing!

The Lord has been blessing us abundantly! The Whispering Tree has been accepted into the Greater Springfield Farmers Market! Our first market day will be April 14th! Please pray for a productive day, and also that we would not get discouraged the first time around.

Another blessing is that Dad is now working for a wonderful Christian business, Covenant Ranch. Covenant Ranch delivers Azure Standards orders to people in the Midwest. We are blessed to be friends with them!

My favorite verse we have been learning is Nahum 1:7- The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.

Hope everyone has a blessed week and has a chance to enjoy this wonderful season in Life!- Layla

Gabe made this beautiful wood burning of my favorite verse!

1 comment:

  1. Gabe, this is great! How nice of you to do this for Layla.
    Love you, Mimi
