
Monday, April 30, 2012


Isn't it funny how life works? Though we lost Max, we are blessed more than we were before. I guess I should say, isn't it Amazing how God works? I'm seeing new life all around me, Our mama goat, Bell, is pregnant. ( Due in July. ) Our garden is lush, our ducks and chicks are growing big and strong, and a Robins eggs hatched in our walnut tree.

They in our Mimosa tree now, Their mom is tweeting a Sweet melody! 

It reminds me of the Perfect life Jesus lived. He is sinless, He is perfect, but He still gave Himself over to the cross for me. His Love Endures Forever!
Though we mourned over Max, we also celebrate Life, this sweet life God has given us!  ~ Hagen   


  1. Precious Hagen, thank you for this! It's beautifully written and the pictures are amazing! Love you!
