
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cherry Jam

I made some delicious cherry jam, with cherry's fresh from the tree! Every body enjoyed picking them, but Really enjoyed eating them!
You need very few ingredients :

5-6 cups Fresh pitted Cherry's
1 cup Honey    
1 cup Sugar
2 tsp. Vanilla
2-3 tsp. Cinnamon
This is about the amount I did of every thing, you can tweak this any way you like.  :)

Combine all ingredients in a pot, simmer on medium, medium / low for 10-15 min.
Stir frequently. Pore in jars, cool, and enjoy!

I hope this makes you happy, it made me happy! :) Comments make me happy too!   ~ Hagen


  1. Hi! I found your blog and was wondering how old you two are. I am 15. May the Lord bless you two.
    Abby C.

    1. Hello Abby, so happy you stumbled upon our blog! I am 18 and my sister will be 13 next month! Do you have a blog we could check out?
      Blessings- Layla

    2. Hi! Layla, Thanks for answering. So sorry to say that I don't have a blog,but our family is hoping to do one soon... so when we have one I'll be sure to tell you. And Happy Birthday to Hagen..hope it's great!

      Abby C.

  2. Thank you, Abby, for commenting!! Hagen and I were jumping up and down with excitement! We don't usually have people comment on our blog, other than family. It's great to see the Lord use it to reach others! We even have people in Russia who look at it!! I will be glad to look at your blog once you get it up. There are tons of places online where you can get free backgrounds and buttons to make your blog your style. We love having our blog, we count it as schoolwork, although we don't get to post on it too often. I think she will have a great birthday, I have been working on her gift ;D I will send her the birthday wishes! Have a blessed day- Layla

  3. Hi Again! I was so excited to see your answer. People do not often answer back. So it was great to hear from you. Thanks for the tips as to bloging.May the Lord bless you.
    Have a great week-Abby C.

    1. Hello! I know what you mean... and you are welcome! Praying you have a great week as well! Blessings- Layla
