
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Skirt Challenge- Day 10

Hey Ya'll, Layla here!
Here is what we wore today:
Hagen went with a leopard print shirt and the skirt she made (I think she really likes it!), and pigtails, of course! I wore a plain blue shirt ( you know, the one that Hagen always steals...) and a printed skirt. I made the headband, you will never guess out of what. And there is Eli!


Our beautiful momma wore a fair-trade, highwaisted skirt, and a teal shirt. Simple, yet stylish!
And that is my baby sis, Olivia, sporting some crocheted shoes I made her!

Shirt- from a friend
Skirt- Thrifted
Shoes-  wal-mart
Beauty- from God

So, that's what we wore today! Thank you so much for reading our blog, and if you enjoy it, let us know! If you have any questions or requests, we would love to hear them! Oh, and I made my headband from the neck of a stretchy shirt!! Blessings- Layla

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