
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Skirt Challenge- Day 15

Hey! I'm working on getting you caught up on our outfits, it's been a really busy week! So many things have happened! But that's for another post! Here's what we wore on Day 15:

My beautiful sister, Hagen, wore my bow sleeved tee and simple, yet cute, floral skirt.
Isn't she a doll?

shirt- homemade
skirt- homemade
shoes- walmart

I wore this polka dotted shirt and green skirt. 

  shirt- from a friend
skirt- thrifted
shoes- old navy

I just want to give a big Thank You  to our sweet followers! Thank you for your encouraging words and comments, you are a blessing to us! It's really wonderful to see how the Lord has used this blog to reach out to others. May you be encouraged in Him! 
 Blessings- Layla

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