
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Skirt Challenge- Day 18

Howdy folks!! We've got another outfit for ya! This is what we wore on Sunday

I wore a turquoise tee, and a grey and black skirt with my high tops.
We took our pics at a friends farm this time!

Shirt- hand-me-down
Skirt- borrowed and homemade
Shoes- shoe carnival
Bracelets- wal-mart

Layla wore a cute white shirt, a jean skirt and a pair of stylish flats with a buckle.

Shirt- thrifted
Skirt- borrowed from mama
Tank-  target
Shoes- some where in N.J. ! 

Well folks that's what we wore!
 ( I'm running out of things to say at the end! )
If you enjoy our blog, tell us!
Blessings- Hagen


  1. Hi! Hagen,

    LOVE your shoes! I have a pair of low cut one's. Looking forward to seeing day 19.

    God Bless,
    Abby C.
