
Monday, January 14, 2013

The Birthday Princess

This weekend, our little sister Matilda, turned 7. We celebrated with a very girly birthday tea party!

 She was so excited to lick the beater's. That's the best part, isn't it?

Cake and Cookies!
(I promise the recipe is coming soon!)

Best Friends and Sisters!

We are so blessed to have you as our little sister! You are so girly, yet you can stand up for yourself! You inspire us daily to be better sisters. We love you!

Hope you are having a wonderful beginning of the week! Blessings,
Layla & Hagen 


  1. Happy Birthday, Matilda!!! Layla and Hagen, please give her a big birthday hug for us!
    Love, Rebekah and Abby

  2. Your little sis is soooo right about licking the beater ! Happy birthday to her... She's really beautiful and looks so much like you Hagen !
    Blessings from France
