
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Giving Thanks...

Well, we haven't seen your lovely faces in a while! But we have good reason! We have been shoving our faces with yummy food, trudging in the snow and drinking hot cocoa. The highlight of this post is our Thanksgiving meal! (A little late. I know, sorry.) 

Before we begin the tour of our meal, we'd like to give you a short summary of what we are grateful for:

First, we are SO very thankful to our Heavenly Father for sending His only Son to die for us that we might be saved from our burden of sin!
 We are very grateful for our parents and how they sacrifice so much for us that we would be brought up to know the Lord as our Savior. We are thankful for how they love us and teach us.
We are thankful for our siblings who happen to also be our best friends. 
We are thankful for the wind that blows and the birds that sing. 
We are thankful for every single day that we live.

 We are also thankful for that delicious meal that we ate on that faraway day in November!
The yummy mashed potatoes and gravy, roast and carrots, green bean casserole, sweet potato souffle, cranberry sauce and biscuits!

(Please excuse the pictures, I had very poor light to work with...)

We also had Buttermilk pie and Pecan pie, as you can see them in the background of the photo above, but mom wasn't very proud of them so she requested we not post them...
We'll show you something she is proud of!

 Because she wasn't proud of her actual pies, Mama wanted to try again.
So... she made delicious pecan pie cups!

My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

May I add that nothing came from a box or can?

We also ate it for breakfast and lunch the next day! 

What did you eat for your Thanksgiving meal?
What are you thankful for? We'd love to hear!

Layla & Hagen

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girls, thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving meal photos and memories with us. I know it was a delicious meal and a fun time for your family. I hope we can all be together one yr soon for Thanksgiving dinner. We have so much to be thankful for. I'm thankful for each of you in your precious family! Mimi
