
Saturday, March 8, 2014

DIY: Lace Storage

Hello dearies!
Like I said in the previous post, we have been quite busy this last week. All this warmer weather is making me want to spring clean! One of the major things we have done is completely rearrange our bedroom and sewing area. I am very happy with the way everything is coming along!

And guess what? It's DIY time! After going through bags and bags of sewing notions, I had to find ways to organize it all in a cute and simple fashion. I thought I would share with you how I organized our lace collection!

It's super simple and quick (depending on how much lace you have acquired!), and not to mention that it looks super cute too! It's as easy as 1-2-3-4!

1. Tape It! Use a small piece of tape to secure the lace to the popsicle stick, making it easier for step 2.

2. Wrap It! Wrap, wrap, wrap. It's as easy as that!

3. Pin It! Use a sewing pin to secure your wrapped lace in place.

4. Display It! Put your lace in anything you like, an old mason jar, a basket, a bowl. Get creative!

And there you have it! I hope this post inspires you in your spring cleaning. It is a lot easier for me to get crafty now that I know where everything is! Are you a crafty person?
Love from,

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