
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life// Matilda's Birthday

On the 11th of this month, our sister Matilda turned 9!

Hagen and I woke- up extra early to decorate. We decorated the house with pink balloons and ribbons. Hagen whipped up an adorable little bunting, too!

About to blow out the candles!
Look at those happy faces...
A pair of girly wristlets.
A craft box made by Hagen. (I feel a tutorial coming soon!)
Her dream is to be a potter, so our parents bought her some pottery clay!
She requested a lemon cake this year and I must say, it turned out terrific! 
I will be posting my recipe for this cake very soon!

Matilda is such a sweet, smart and crafty girl. Not to mention, she has a great sense of humor! She's spunky, yet girly. She's special and we love her!

Hope you are having a great weekend!
Love from,

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