
Thursday, January 24, 2013

I ♥ Thursday {No. 4}

Happy Thursday Everyone! Here's what we are loving this week...

Hagen's ♥'s

This week I've been loving my black flats. They go with pretty much everything :)

My sister, Matilda, and I curled our hair with these, and we loved it!

I started reading this book and I highly recommend it for all young women!

For Christmas Mom and Dad bought me a drawing course book and sketch pencils!

Layla's ♥'s

French braided up-do's. I'm thinking of doing a video on all of my favorite french braided hair style's, what do you think?

Bunnies! Yes, this is one of ours. :)

 Vintage circus photos, because I've been helping my Mom with her blog, Notes From The Circus !

The Henningsens... my new favorite country band! They are a wonderful family with ten children. When I was at the Campbell's, Rashida and Meadow where so excited that they made it on the radio because they are all good friends!

Hope you are having a great week! Are you looking forward to tomorrow's video? I sure am!
Layla & Hagen 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah ! I read Joyfully at home this summer and loved it ! It's so good to be reminded of things that really matter !
    The hairstyle chosen by Layla is so beautiful ! I'm looking forward a video on this subeject ;-)
    Have a great weekend girls !
