
Friday, January 25, 2013

Video Friday {No. 2}

Hello everyone! It's Friday, are you ready for our next video? I know the day is almost over, but I was having some serious technical difficulties!
This video we would like to share is a tour of our farm in the winter. Now, we don't have a full fledged farm, just a micro-farm. We actually farm off of .48 of an acre!

We are posting two videos this week, because a few things happened after our first video, and thought you should know about it!

Now, without further adieu, we present to you our Farm Tour.

And the update video...

Just so you know, the fours hens are still alive and are building immunities. The keifer water is really helping! I finally figured out how to tell the difference in a boy and girl rabbit, so Marshmallow is actually a girl!

Hope you enjoy this little tour! There will be loads more videos once Spring comes and we start working in the garden again! 
Layla & Hagen  


  1. You two are so amazing :) I love how you named your rooster Grandfather! You are lucky to have had such tame chickens; ours are pretty wild. I'm sorry about their deaths :( That's rotten. Our chickens have a disease called Marek's (sp.), and it takes slowly, one by one. It's hard to know which one has it and which one will get it or if they'll all get it. Some have been vaccinated against it, I think, and these have lived a LONG time. I look forward to seeing more of your videos!

  2. I tagged you guys!
