
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Joyeuse fete des Peres!

Joyeuse fete des Peres!- Happy Fathers Day!
I know it's a been a few weeks, but I had to do a post sooner or later. I guess it turned out later...

We celebrated Fathers day the night before, after Dad came home from work. We were just too excited to wait any longer!

 We all made cards and different things. I love to watch the little one's faces light up as Dad smiles over their card or whatever little thing they made him.

 Layla made this. "Dad: A son's first hero, a daughter's first love." So true!

"We love you because... You read the bible to us and make us laugh... You work hard for us and help us shoot guns... You are courageous and AWESOME!"

A delicious cheese cake Layla and I made. It turned out pretty well considering we didn't use any type of recipe!

Layla also made homemade Ding-Dongs aaand cake balls. They were AMAZING! I forgot to get a picture though, I was too busy stuffing my face with them... ;)

So, my Dad. He's SO cool.
He's a hard worker. He protects us and always makes sure we all have what we need, even in tough times.
With him there is never a dull moment. His sense of humor always brightens the day, even if we are having a bad one. He might not like for me to say this, but all his little jingles and parodies are the BEST. He's just awesome. Hilarious. Fun. Not to mention he reads the Bible to us every morning which helps me just be full of God's Spirit and our day just goes so much smoother.
I love my Dad. I wouldn't trade him for anything. I am so thankful for him.

Here's just a little taste of our Dad. This picture doesn't even barely show you all the crazy stuff he does!

So, Happy late Fathers Day to all you awesome Dads out there! Keep being awesome. We need you. Don't forget that.
