
Monday, July 7, 2014

The Fourth Day of the Seventh Month

I hope you all had a wonderful, safe Independence Day! I know I sure did! 
   It was a fun, delicious, bright day.

To start the day, we ate patriotic pancakes. Sourdough pancakes. I didn't get a picture though. If you know anything about me, you know I am not a morning person. Meaning I just didn't feel like it...

 Later we went to the creek, had a little picnic lunch and then splashed around for a bit.
Gabe and Dad also enjoyed catching craw-dads.

 When we finally went back home it was dinner time, so we started up a fire. We ate all natural, uncured, pure beef hot dogs, wrapped in equally healthy pepperonis (that's what I'm talking about!), watermelon, potato salad, smoothie and for dessert we had chocolate ice cream floats and of course, s'mores!

 Our little camp site.

 Afterward, Layla played us some campfire tunes...

You all know what happens next...

 I am so happy with how all the pictures came out. I'd been preparing for awhile. 

 Sparklers and Roman candles...

 Mom's sparkler looks like an eye!

Layla managed to do a star...

It was a blast. All of it. The whole day.
I am so thankful for our Independence and Freedom. Everyday I think, and pray, for those who have to hide their love for Jesus and go underground just to sing praises to Him. We are very, very blessed to live in this country. To be able to be bold without fear and love Him without hiding it.
Anyway, it was just a really good day and no one got hurt (except for just a few minor burns...).

How was your 4th of July?

Did you do anything special? Get any amazing shots?



  1. Beautiful! Your Independence Day looks like so much fun--that creek looks SO good to me right now (it's a pretty hot day :)). I love it that your family made such a healthy meal and finished it off with such a yummy dessert ;) I would love to have a recipe for your homemade hot dogs!

    dance a real

    1. Thank you, Hannah! It really was fun! As for the hotdogs, here is a link to the brand we get. It's also the brand of the pepperonis, too! :D

  2. Great photos! You did an awesome job capturing the fireworks. It looks like you all had a fun day. :)
    On the 4th, I went to the river with my parents and a dear friend, then back to her house to join her parents and uncle for supper!

    1. I nominated you ladies for a Liebster Award! :)

    2. Thank you, Paige! Your day sounded fun, too! Going to the creek is so refreshing...
      Thank you for awarding us! We really need to do a post... We have had a couple different bloggers award us... ;) I guess this just means we HAVE to!
