
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Style// Floral Dress

Hello Lovelies! 
I'm going to share an outfit post with you that is way over due. With Summer here and lots of work to be done outside, we don't really dress up much, except for church. Here's an adorable outfit Hagen put together a few weeks ago...

I really love this outfit, not only because it was pieced together cheaply, but also for the way everything complements each other. The neutral tones of the shrug and sandals counter the pop of the maroon flowers. And not to mention, it's modest!

-What She Wore-
dress: thrifted $8
shrug: from a friend
tank: hand-me-down
sandals: Wal-mart $10

Isn't my sister a beauty? She turned 15 last week (I can't believe it!), which I will be posting next. I hope your Summer is going great! 
God's blessings over you,

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty outfit! I love how you used neutral tones for the shoes and shrug, while adding a pop of color to the dress. I have a modest fashion blog myself, so I love looking at others and getting inspiration! : )
